Click each tag and follow the instructions to add your electronic signature where required to sign or initial.
After confirming agreement and if the document was sent via DocuSign eSignature, you should see tags with instructions to Start or Sign. Your document should open in an electronic signature tool such as our DocuSign eSignature application. Open the email with a request to digitally sign your document.If you’re the recipient-or signer-you execute your signature in five simple steps with DocuSign eSignature: The electronic signature application will email a link to the recipient so they can access the document and sign. Drag in the signature, text and date fields where the recipient needs to take action.Upload your document into the electronic signature application, such as our DocuSign eSignature application.
How does signing digitally work? With DocuSign eSignature, if you’re the Sender, you send a document for signature in three easy steps: DocuSign eSignature handles the most demanding customer requirements, delivering an experience simple enough for practically anyone to adopt. Use it to do business faster and optimize efficiencies.
#Free digital signature manual
Digital signatures can replace your handwritten signature to speed up virtually any paper-driven, manual signature processes.ĭigital signatures are more secure as they provide an extra level of security by encrypting the signature and verifying the identity of the person signing.ĭocuSign eSignature is the world’s #1 way to send and sign documents. Digital signatures are a legal way to electronically secure your approval on a document, contract, application or set of documents.